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CommentsVery good butterflies site!
CommentsBeautiful work. Could I receive email updates? Thanks. tara.hughes at bigmailbox.org
CommentsLove your site and love the patterns I purchased. Cant wait to bead them up.. Keep up the great work and thanks for such fast shipment and response with my order.
CommentsI have a great entomolgy page for all of you with good photos of butterflies and other insects.
Commentsnacy thank you for the butterflies they are lovely. They look perfect on my prom gown. I will send you a picture of me at prom asap. Michelle
CommentsI received one of your awesome butterflies that were made by ladies for the Bokenkamp Children's treatment center fashion show and luncheon. I looked your website up in hopes I could get the instructions so I could creat some for friends..to share love with the Lord.thank you
CommentsHi Nancy, You visited our school when we first opened and we would really like to get together with our area homeschoolers . I tried to call,but your number is changed. Marionette Owens,School Board Chair
CommentsHi guys! I was just surfing the web and found your site. I'm really very impressed with all that your family is doing online. Keep up the witnessing, fun, and homeschool info! God bless, Jess
CommentsReally nice site! Beautiful beadwork. Enjoyed my visit.
CommentsThese butterflies are so awesome! They are so beautiful and original.
CommentsWhat beautiful butterflies you make! I don't know how you do it with all those tiny little beads. You must have small hands. I enjoyed surfing through your website as well. Very nice!! 12/3/2002 (via email) I received the pattern yesterday, and can't wait to try it. I'd love to receive another copy, as you mentioned. Regards, Marjorie CommentsHi Nancy...:-). I received the pair of small beaded butterflies today and would like to say thanks!..They are really beautiful; you do lovely work! Sarah
Commentscouple of beginners interested in beaded crafts...any one with ideas or comments please contact us.... CommentsI truly think that your site is very good and the butterflies are wonderful keep up the good work. Copyright © 2002 by Oikourgos - Awesome Butterflies, Nancy Berntsen. All rights